
1891 Mekia Kealakai composes a kanikau (memorial dirge) and sings with Kawaihau Glee Club at the funeral of King Kalakaua.
1893 Political autonomy of the Hawaiian monarchy overthrown by the self appointed Provisional Government. Nearly all Royal Hawaiian Band members refuse to sign Oath of Allegiance and form Ka Bana Lāhui (The Hawaiian National Band).
At their request, Ellen Prendergast writes the famous protest song “Kaulana Na Pua”.

A translation of the mele Kaulana Nā Pua published in the Honolulu Evening Bulletin November 27 1893. Courtesy Kealakai Center for Pacific Strings Archives.
A translation of the mele Kaulana Nā Pua published in the Honolulu Evening Bulletin November 27 1893. Courtesy Kealakai Center for Pacific Strings Archives.
Kalakauaʻs Glee Club and hula dancers perform at the Chicago World’s Fair (World’s Columbian Exposition). Duke Kahanamoku Sr. organizes band for fair. Scott Joplin plays at this fair as well.
Kalākauaʻs Glee Club and Hula troupe tours internationally performing for royal families across Europe, Kini Kapahu future Ms. Jennie Wilson among group.

This troupe of royal dancers and musicians in the court of King Kalākaua would tour the world between 1892 and 1896, sharing Hawaiian music and hula across the continental United States and with the major royal courts of Europe. (Hawaiʻi State Archives, PPWD-6-4-018)
This troupe of royal dancers and musicians in the court of King Kalākaua would tour the world between 1892 and 1896, sharing Hawaiian music and hula across the continental United States and with the major royal courts of Europe. (Hawaiʻi State Archives, PPWD-6-4-018)
1894 Ka Bana Lahui is banned from performing in Honolulu by the Provisional Government.
1895 Ka Bana Lahui embarks on international world tour, promoting the deposed Hawaiian monarchy. They introduce the American public to the Hawaiian-style string band including glee club singers favored by Na Lani ‘Ehā.
Renowned American band leader John Phillip Souza offers Mekia Kealakai a job as lead soloist, remarking, “You are the greatest flautist I have ever heard”.
1898 Hawaiʻi is "annexed" as a territory by the United States.
1899 First recordings made of Na Lani Eha style Hawaiian ensembles in San Francisco by string band enroute to Omaha State Fair featuring July Paka, Tony Zablan, William Ellis, Tom Hennessey, Tommy Silva, and David Makuakāne.
1899-1905 Joseph Kekuku, Mekia Kealakai and multiple other Hawaiian musicians move to the US continent to perform, introducing Hawaiian music, Hawaiian Steel Guitar, and ʻukulele to American audiences.

Announcement of the Kawaihau Glee Club World Tour. Hawaiian Star September 18 1905. Courtesy Kealakai Center for Pacific Strings Archives.
Announcement of the Kawaihau Glee Club World Tour. Hawaiian Star September 18 1905. Courtesy Kealakai Center for Pacific Strings Archives.